Author: classofhc
Conversation No. 51 – Bernadette
Bernadette is from Chicago, Illinois, and was living in the western suburbs of the city at the time of her interview. Her days were spent “advising college students, to build motivation in them, and to try to push them towards something greater in their lives.”
Coffee Break (Part 2)
The second installment in a series of conversations between two friends – one from Saudi Arabia, one from the United States.
Conversation No. 50 – Raven
Raven is from Brooklyn, New York. She had recently completed her third year of college in Massachusetts at the time of her interview, and was spending her days “currently…getting adjusted to this 9-to-5 life. I’m interning in [New York City], so I pretty much just go to work, take naps,…
Korryn’s March
Our women are going it alone. Resignation, independence, and the beginning of post-protest Black America.
Conversation No. 49 – Alberto
Alberto was born in New York City, raised in Providence, Rhode Island, and spent most of his teenage years in the Dominican Republic. He was beginning his first year as a transfer student at a university in Rhode Island at the time of his interview.
Words About Black Lives, Matter
It is critical to not allow those with seemingly little concern for the humanity of Americans in Black bodies to frame the discussion about Black lives.
Coffee Break (Part 1)
She’s from Saudi Arabia. He’s from America. The first installment in a series of conversations between two friends from very different places.