Author: classofhc
Bronx Tales
So what should a community-owned economy look like to serve the needs and aspirations of 2016 Black America?
Conversation No. 41 – Ethan
Ethan is from Brooklyn, New York. He was living in Brooklyn as a third-year college student/filmmaker at the time of his interview. He spent his days “doing what I believe to be the most crucial thing to do at this point in my life, and that’s learning and laughing.”
Conversation No. 39 – Chelsea
Chelsea was born in Haiti, grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and was living in Brooklyn at the time of her interview. Her days were spent “working as a college advisor at a nonprofit, reading a lot, meditating, practicing yoga, and trying to find ways to be better and keep…
Conversation No. 38 – Stephanie
Stephanie is from Chicago, Illinois. She was living in the Chicago suburbs and spending her days “working…and when I’m not working, I’m with my son and with my family.”
American Pie (Part 1)
I like to think the questions I have posed below are the right ones to ask, and that this is the right time to ask them. Yet I acknowledge that I could be wrong on both counts.