Tag: American culture

  • Martin vs. Everybody

    Martin vs. Everybody

    SPOILER ALERT: It wasn’t pretty. Or easy. Or fun.

  • Off White Privilege

    Off White Privilege

    How we see ourselves, who we see as enemies, who we see as friends, and how we see the fight ahead.

  • Dear Why People

    Dear Why People

    This time the questions are less cute. This time the answers are not hanging nearby on plaques & displays on the wall.

  • Good Clean English Names

    Good Clean English Names

    Don’t leave home without one…

  • The New Negrotarians

    The New Negrotarians

    While today’s New Negrotarians are not as interested in conversations about community collective uplift as the New Negroes of the 1920s, they are not as optimistic about the catapulting power of their bootstraps as the New Blacks of today.

  • Joy and Pain

    Joy and Pain

    A classic movie and a classic book…

  • We Still Here

    We Still Here

    Celebrating Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in the face of tragedy.

  • A Prayer for Pimped Butterflies and Pessimists

    A Prayer for Pimped Butterflies and Pessimists

    Two powerful sounds came together this week.

  • Truth and Reconciliation…Dating and Data

    Truth and Reconciliation…Dating and Data

    The boxes we check…and the faces we do (and don’t) check out.